Tips For Balancing Being a Wife and a Mom - South Atlanta Moms

If there is one thing that a lot of couples struggle with after becoming parents, it is balancing being a wife (or husband) and a parent. I recently talked to a friend the other day who was going through this exact struggle and you know what? I could relate. Being a mom is hard. Being a spouse while trying to give your all to a little human, or humans are also really challenging. But you know what I also know since I’ve had a little more experience over the years? I know that even though it is challenging and it takes a lot of effort, it is more than worth it. If you are in the thick of your motherhood journey and you are struggling when it comes to balancing being a wife and a mom, here are a few tips that might help you out:


Put yourself first

I have a crazy thought. What if you tried to put your own needs first? I know it sounds almost impossible. How can a mom and a wife possibly put herself first? Well, not only is it possible, but I also think it’s the only way to balance all of your roles successfully while keeping your health (and sanity) intact. I do realize that telling women to put themselves first may seem cliché, but there’s more to it than simply putting your needs first. Surely, you can’t be a great mom and wife if you’re selfish, right? The bigger picture is whether or not you’re able to find a healthy way to balance your needs with the needs of your child(ren) and your spouse. Are there things you can do to make it all work well? Do you need to work on your anxiety? How can you improve yourself to improve as a mother and a wife? If you need help breaking through anxiety, fear, or even relationship issues, put yourself first by getting therapy. Pure Hypnosis | Sean Wheeler is also a great option, as well! He offers hypnosis for fear of flying, for fears and phobias, to help with relationships, anxiety, stress, and so much more. Sean Wheeler is Atlanta’s best-known and best-reviewed hypnotherapist (over 100 5-star reviews on Google alone). He’s been in practice for nearly two decades and is known as the Heartbreak Hypnotist® for his success in helping people with relationship issues. If you are struggling as a wife and mom, I know that he will try to help you – and he only uses proven techniques that work. Check out his reviews – they are amazing!


Be respectful

Be respectful of your husband at all times. Your nerves can be really wound up if the kids have been going crazy or if you are having an “off day.” Don’t let this disturb your relationship with your husband. In other words, don’t take out your bad day on him. Give your husband respect and love even if your head is about to explode. Many couples’ problems start because they let the pressures of everyday life get to them. Don’t be a statistic. This goes for him, as well. He needs to respect you, your feelings, and your needs, as well.


Get a regular babysitter

One of the best ways to balance being a wife and being a parent is to have dates with your husband. Find a sitter and go out with your husband. Go to dinner and the movies or go to a party. It doesn’t matter where you go, just go with your husband and without your children. Every couple needs time away from their children to spend time alone together. Don’t talk about the kids while you are out either. This is a night to spend with your husband.


Improve communication

Communication styles tend to change after kids because things are just very different. If you are learning how to communicate again post-children, give yourself time, but work really hard to nail down your new communication styles. Why? Because communication within a relationship (romantic, friendships, and even working relationships) are the most important thing. Communication either improves a relationship significantly or hurts on significantly.


It can be difficult, but you can do it. Learning how to balance being a parent and being a wife is one of the best lessons you will ever learn. It can save your marriage. Don’t let children come between what you have. You had children to enhance your life together, not to tear it apart.


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