Nyanna Harris is a mother of two girls who lives in Atlanta, GA, with her husband and kids. Nyanna educates and prepares young entrepreneurs to effectively run profitable businesses. We chatted about her business venture and obtained some helpful tips and tricks for mom life. We’re thrilled to be featuring Nyanna as this week’s Meet a Mom!
Let’s begin by taking a moment to introduce yourself.
My name is Nyanna Harris. I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA but have lived in the South Atlanta area for 18 years.
Tell us about your children. How many children do you have, and what are their ages?
I have two daughters: Destiny and Dynasty. They are 14 and 9, respectively.
When did you move to South Atlanta, and what are your favorite family activities in South Atlanta?
My husband and I moved to the South Atlanta Area 22 days before we married in 2004. Our favorite family activities include going to the movies, riding our bikes in the community, and attending events held within our city limits.
Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or the corporate world?
I’m the CEO of Business Owners of Tomorrow. I expose, educate and equip youth ages 8-17 with the foundational principles of entrepreneurship and financial literacy. My students run profitable businesses including but not limited to artists, bakers, graphic designers, cosmetics and apparel.
What excites you about your career adventure (job)?
I’m always excited when a student understands that entrepreneurship is a real thing and it’s available to everybody, no matter the age. It is always a pleasure to see them work hard and believe in themselves. The first moment students earn money, I always get a text from them thanking me for showing them another way.
What tips or pieces of advice do you have for other women/moms/caregivers?
Love for your children. Don’t be so busy creating a life for them (that’s the excuse we hear) that you forget to enjoy your time together. Smile with your children. Laugh with your children. Hug your children. Listen to your children. If they are anything like mine, they tell great stories!
Best advice you’ve gotten from another mom?
Be patient. Take time for yourself. If you aren’t good for you, you are no good for anyone else.
One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
People are always shocked to find out that I know sign language or to know that I’m a preacher’s wife.
What do you do to take care of yourself?
I have self care days built in my monthly calendar. One day each month is completely mine. No husband. No children. No working. That day is specifically for relaxing.
How can people reach you?
Favorite place to get coffee? (or tea)
Favorite place for a date night?
Favorite place to have fun as a family?
Skating rink or movie theater